Roadmap for Global Youth Substance Use Prevention, Screening, and Early Intervention Research
January 28, 2025
Dr. Sion K. Harris is a co-author on this recently published commentary in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
Redefining our Understanding of How Social Media Marketing Influences Adolescent E-cigarette Use
October 25, 2024
Dr. Shivani Gaiha gave this presentation at the Adolescent Substance Use Prevention Symposium on October 25, 2024.
Adolescent Substance Use Prevention Through Screening and Brief Counseling in Primary Care: Lessons and Opportunities
October 25, 2024
Dr. Sion K. Harris and Maddie O’Connell, MPH, gave this presentation at the Adolescent Substance Use Prevention Symposium on October 25, 2024.
Telehealth counseling plus mHealth intervention for cannabis use in emerging adults: Development and a remote open pilot trial
August 21, 2024
Dr. Lydia A. Shrier, Dr. Sion K. Harris, Maddie O’Connell, Maddie Smith, Nich McCaskill, and Brittany Gluskin are all co-authors of this article outlining the pilot study conducted to evaluate the feasibility of a telehealth counseling-plus-mHealth intervention (MOMENT-V) in primary care.
Measuring Character Strengths and Promoting Positive Youth Development in Zambia: Initial Findings from the GROW Hopes for Life Study
August 16, 2024
Dr. Sion K. Harris co-authored this recently published article that explores the impact of the GROW Free and Strong programs in Zambia.
Predicting Time to Return to Cannabis Use After a Cessation Attempt: Impact of Cumulated Exposure to Nicotine-Containing Products
June 11, 2024
This article, co-authored by Drs. Lydia A. Shrier, Sion K. Harris, and collaborators, was recently published in Tobacco Use Insights.
Standard Versus Family-Based Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Adolescent Substance Use in Primary Care: Protocol for a Multisite Randomized Effectiveness Trial
June 11, 2024
This protocol manuscript, co-authored by Drs. Lydia A. Shrier and Sion K. Harris, Maddie O’Connell, MPH, and collaborators, was recently published. The article is a part of CABHRe’s collaboration with Partnership to End Addiction on an RCT that is using the CRAFFT Interactive.
Depression screening outcomes among adolescents, young adults, and adults reporting past 30-day tobacco and cannabis use
June 4, 2024
Dr. Shivani Gaiha and colleagues from Stanford University recently published this article in the Journal of Addictive Behaviors.
Appealing characteristics of E-cigarette marketing in the retail environment among adolescents
June 4, 2024
This article was recently published by Dr. Shivani Gaiha and colleagues in the Stanford REACH Lab in the Journal of Preventive Medicine Reports.
Adaptation and Validation of the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC) with Spanish Adolescents
May 16, 2024
Dr. Sion K. Harris co-authored this article that was recently published by collaborators at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Predicting time to return to cannabis use after a cessation attempt: impact of cumulated exposure to nicotine-containing products.
May 13, 2024
This article by Drs. Lydia A. Shrier, Sion K. Harris, and collaborators has been accepted by Tobacco Use Insights.
Association Between Social Media Use and Substance Use Among Middle and High School-Aged Youth
April 4, 2024
Dr. David Bickham from the Division of Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine is a co-author on this recently published article.
Comparing the Performance of World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview Substance Abuse Module in Adolescents to Diagnoses Made by Pediatric Addiction Medicine Specialists
April 4, 2024
Drs. Sharon Levy, Machiko Minegishi, Melissa Brogna, and Elissa Weitzman from the Divisions of Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine and Addiction medicine are co-authors on this recently published article.
Computer-Facilitated Screening and Brief Intervention for Alcohol Use Risk in Adolescent Patients of Pediatric Primary Care Offices: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
March 29, 2024
Dr. Lydia A. Shrier, Dr. Sion K. Harris, Maddie O’Connell, Jessica Maturo, and Nich McCaskill are co-authors on this recently published version of the ASPIRE Protocol Manuscript.
Principles of Addiction Medicine, 7th Edition, is available for pre-order.
March 13, 2024
Drs. Lydia A. Shrier, Sion K. Harris, and Jessica Calihan are all contributors on this edition of Principles of Addiction Medicine. Dr. Sion K. Harris is also a section editor. This edition is now available for pre-order, both in physical and e-book versions. Explore ordering options on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Innovation to Impact: Introduction to the Special Issue on Evidence from the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Experiment with Innovation
December 7, 2023
An article by Maddie O’Connell, Brittany Gluskin, Dr. Lydia A. Shrier, and collaborators has been published in a special issue of Prevention Science focused on OPA’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program.
Sociodemographic differences in use of nicotine, cannabis, and non-nicotine E-cigarette devices
December 9, 2023
Dr. Shivani Gaiha and colleagues from Stanford University co-authored this article published in the Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
E-cigarette and combustible cigarette cessation patterns, reasons, and methods among adolescents, young adults, and adults
November 20, 2023
Dr. Shivani Gaiha and colleagues from Stanford University co-authored this article published in the Journal of Addictive Behaviors.
Does screening mode matter? Computer self-administered versus clinician-administered screening of youth substance use in a large pediatric primary care database
September 29, 2023
Maddie O’Connell, MPH presented this oral abstract at the 19th Annual Conference of International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol & Other Drugs (INEBRIA) in Greensboro, NC. Co-authored by members of CABHRe and collaborators at CHADIS, Inc., this research examines differences in substance use prevalence according to self-administered vs. clinician-administered screening mode.
The effectiveness of mobile-based ecological momentary motivational enhancement therapy in reducing craving and severity of cannabis use disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
September 18, 2023
Lydia A. Shrier, MD, MPH co-authored a study protocol manuscript for a new cannabis study. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Ecological Momentary Motivational Enhancement Therapy (EM-MET) in reducing craving and severity of Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) among young adults.
Ocular Symptoms in Adolescents and Young Adults With Electronic Cigarette, Cigarette, and Dual Use
August 31, 2023
An original investigation written by Dr. Shivani Gaiha and colleagues from McGill University and Stanford University.
COVID-19 impacts and videoconference healthcare preferences in relation to depression and sexual risk behaviors among young adults assigned female at birth: a cross-sectional study
April 30, 2023
Brittany Gluskin, MA, Maddie O’Connell, MPH, and Lydia A. Shrier, MD, MPH collaborated with partners from The Policy & Research Group to examine perspectives on virtual delivery of sexual and reproductive health counseling from young adults assigned female at birth (AFAB). COVID-19 pandemic-associated changes in mood and healthcare access for young adults AFAB were also assessed.
Adapting a Counseling-Plus-mHealth Intervention for the Virtual Environment to Reduce Sexual and Reproductive Health Risk Among Young Women with Depression
March 7, 2023
Maddie O’Connell, MPH, Brittany Gluskin, MA, and Lydia A. Shrier, MD, MPH collaborated with Boston Children’s Hospital colleagues to describe the adaptation of the Momentary Affect Regulation – Safer Sex Intervention (MARSSI) to a virtual format. Feasibility of the virtual adaptation is discussed.
AACAP/CACAP 2022 Annual Meeting
October 22, 2022
CABHRe Co-Director, Dr. Lydia A. Shrier, participated as a discussant for a Clinical Perspectives presentation on Sex Hormones and Psychiatry for the AACAP/CACAP 2022 Annual Meeting in Toronto this past weekend.
Associations of Momentary Mindfulness with Affect and Cannabis Desire in a Trial of Cannabis Use Interventions With and Without Momentary Assessment
October 20, 2022
Drs. Lydia A. Shrier and Sion K. Harris co-authored an article on the use of mindfulness in momentary intervention by examining mindful attention and awareness (MAA) in counseling interventions aimed at reducing cannabis use.
High Potency Cannabis Use in Adolescence
August 14, 2022
Drs. Lydia A. Shrier and Sion K. Harris co-authored a review article with Drs. Gabriela Vargas and Nicholas Chadi addressing high potency cannabis use among adolescents.
Safer Sex Intervention – Minneapolis
August 9, 2022
A newly published case report documents the implementation and results of the Safer Sex Intervention, developed by CABHRe’s Dr. Lydia A. Shrier, in Hennepin County, MN over the past 10 years.
Screening for Early Emerging Mental Experiences (SEE ME): A Model to Improve Early Detection of Psychosis in Integrated Primary Care
June 10, 2022
Dr. Lydia A. Shrier collaborated with Dr. Kristen A. Woodberry and Kelsey A. Johnson, MPH, on a clinical model that seeks to improve early detection and intervention for psychosis through the use of systematic screening in integrated primary care practices.
Trends in substance use screening results before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic among youth in pediatric primary care
April 25, 2022
Julia Plumb, BS, presented a poster at PAS 2022 that examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth substance use behaviors.
Perceived stress and rejection associated with functional network strength during memory retrieval in adolescents
January 27, 2022
Dr. Sion K. Harris worked on a team with Dr. Marisa Silveri from the Neurodevelopmental Laboratory on Addictions and Mental Health at McLean Hospital.
Perceived Risk of Harm Mediates the Effects of Primary Care Alcohol Use Screening and Brief Advice in Adolescents
December 31, 2021
Dr. Sion K. Harris and Himani Byregowda, MPH, assessed whether perceived risk of harm mediated the results found in a previous study, which showed that computer-facilitated Screening and provider Brief Advice (cSBA) was associated with lower alcohol use risk among adolescents in pediatric primary care.
New SAMHSA Report: Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth
October 21, 2021
CABHRe’s Dr. Sion K. Harris was a member of the expert panel that helped to develop a new evidence-based resource from SAMHSA addressing the latest guidance for prevention of marijuana use among adolescents.
Validation of a single question for the assessment of past three-month alcohol consumption among adolescents
September 10, 2021
CABHRe’s Dr. Lydia A. Shrier collaborated with Boston Children’s Hospital colleagues to determine whether a single question about past 3-month frequency of alcohol use was correlated with the criterion standard 90-day Timeline Follow Back (TLFB) Calendar.
APA Convention 2021: Dispositional Forgiveness, Emotional Intelligence, and Psychological Well-Being in Young Adolescents
August 12-14, 2021
For the APA 2021 Virtual Convention, Dr. Sion K. Harris and Chloe Noh presented a poster examining the relationship between dispositional forgiveness, emotional intelligence, and psychological well-being.
Trends in cannabis-related attitudes and behaviors among cannabis-using adolescent and young adult outpatients following medical cannabis legalization in Massachusetts
July 2, 2021
CABHRe’s Maddie O’Connell, MPH, worked with Drs. Lydia A. Shrier, Sion K. Harris, and Sharon Levy to investigate the association between the 2013 legalization of medical cannabis in Massachusetts with adolescents’ cannabis-related attitudes and behavior.
Longitudinal effects of gender minority stressors on substance use and related risk and protective factors among gender minority adolescents
June 2, 2021
Dr. Sion K. Harris collaborated with Boston Children’s Hospital colleague Dr. Sabra L. Katz-Wise to examine how gender minority-related stressors are associated with substance use by gender minority adolescents.
GROW Zambia: A pilot cluster-randomized trial of a spiritually-based character strengths training curriculum to enhance resilience among Zambian youth
April 15, 2021
Dr. Sion Harris co-authored an article in the Journal of Positive Psychology assessing the impact of a character-based resilience program for youth in Zambia that uses positive psychology and spirituality.
Trait mindfulness and cannabis use–related factors in adolescents and young adults with frequent use
April 2, 2021
Drs. Sion Harris and Lydia Shrier collaborated on an article examining how trait mindfulness was associated with cannabis-related problems and quit attempts in adolescents.
Does Tobacco Screening in Youth Primary Care Identify Youth Vaping?
February 18, 2021
Dr. Sion Harris co-authored an article in the Journal of Adolescent Health assessing a tobacco screening question that includes the word “e-cigarette” to detect nicotine use.
AACAP K12 Mentorship
February 12, 2021
Dr. Lydia Shrier will be mentoring Dr. Carol Vidal, a recent awardee of the AACAP Physician Scientist Program in Substance Use K12 Career Development Award. Dr. Vidal will be studying suicide and cannabis in adolescents and learning about EMA over the award period. Read about AACAP.
Pediatric Primary Care Provider Perspectives on a Computer-Facilitated Screening and Brief Intervention System for Adolescent Substance Use
November 1, 2020
The Journal of Adolescent Health features recent CABHRe research, which shows high acceptability of a computerized screening and brief intervention (cSBI) system in pediatric primary care.
44th Annual AMERSA Conference
October 7, 2020
For the AMERSA 2020 Virtual Conference, Himani Byregowda presented an oral abstract on the effect of a brief alcohol intervention on adolescents’ perceived risk of harm. Maddie O’Connell gave a poster presentation on medical cannabis diversion among a clinical population of MA youth.
Measurement-Based Care in the Treatment of Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders
July 29, 2020
CABHRe co-directors Dr. Sion Harris and Dr. Lydia Shrier review validated screening tools for adolescent substance use in Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics.
“Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in a Primary Care and Pediatric Setting. Clinical Manual of Youth Addictive Disorders”
Dr. Sion Harris co-authored a chapter on screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in pediatric primary care in the 2020 APA Clinical Manual of Youth Addictive Disorders.